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The Debra Stevens AcademyOffline

    Structuring an Agenda for Maximum Efficiency

    Greetings to our insightful readers! Today, at Debra Stevens Training & Coaching, we’re pulling back the curtain on a key aspect of professional efficiency: the humble agenda. Though it may seem simple on the surface, an effectively structured agenda is your secret weapon for productive meetings and streamlined decision-making. Let’s delve into how you can […]

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    Skyrocket Your Communication Skills for Maximum Impact!

    Communication isn’t just about speaking; it’s an art that merges listening, understanding, and expressing into a harmonious ballet of human connection. So, how do we turn this ballet into a riveting performance? Let’s break it down. 1. Clarity, the True Monarch: In the world of communication, clarity reigns supreme. The most eloquent speeches and the […]

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    Master the Dynamics of Any Meeting Room!

    Picture this: you walk into a bustling meeting room. Colleagues are discussing, the atmosphere feels charged, and there’s a sense that decisions of consequence will be made. As professionals, be it aspiring leaders, sales aficionados, or key decision-makers, mastering the dynamics of any meeting room is paramount. At Debra Stevens Training & Coaching, we firmly […]

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    Boost Your Persuasion Powers with These Essential Tips

    Navigating the complex world of professional meetings can sometimes feel akin to navigating a maze. Every turn seems to present a new challenge, whether it’s an aspiring leader trying to convince their team of a new strategy, a sales professional attempting to seal the deal, or a decision-maker seeking consensus on a pivotal move. At […]

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    Growth Mindset Quiz – Is Your Mindset Fixed Or Growth?

    Try this Quiz

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